Education plays a large role in the Solutions Medical Group mindset.
In addition to making sure that each of our providers are state-of-the-art trained, Dr. Thomas actively trains nurses from the facilities in which he serves to provide a continuity in that state-of-the-art care.
Nurses meet for wound care classes, taught personally by Dr. Thomas, each week. Case studies are reviewed, and training occurs that helps them prepare for national boards in wound care, commiserate with their prior levels of education.
As a result of this cooperative and interactive approach, patient and family satisfaction is improved, but most significantly, patient outcome is improved.
If you are interested in improving your own wound care skills, join us at our next Wound Care Boot Camp!
Contact Us

You may call us directly for a consultation or to make an appointment at (832) 585-1500.
You may also email us at strategicwoundcare1@gmail.com. Please include in your phone number in your email, including your preferred method of contact (Email, Phone, or Text). We will respond as soon as possible.
We look forward to speaking with you!