During Solutions Medical Group’s Wound Care Boot Camp sponsors will have the opportunity to connect with participants as they visit your exhibit area, by providing a demonstration during one of our learning modules, and/or by interacting with them over breakfast or lunch. The venue allows for a more intimate and individual opportunity to get to know the attendees and be a part of educating healthcare providers about wound care.
- Exhibit area booth.
- Providing a hands-on demonstration and learning experience for attendees during a module.
- Catering breakfast or lunch to gain exclusive access to the dining area with all attendees and give a brief presentation of company/product before or after the designated meal to all attendees.
- Providing informational material about your company or product to be placed in attendee packets or given to attendees as promotional items.
The registration cost for this event is
Day 1
7:00 AM Sponsor Set-Up Begins
8:30 AM Arrival of Attendees
12:15 PM Lunch
4:00 PM Sessions Adjourn
4:30 PM End of Day 1
Day 2
8:00 AM Sponsor Arrival
8:30 AM Arrival of Attendees
12:15 PM Lunch
4:00 PM Event Adjourns
4:30 PM Sponsor Tear- Down Begins
5:00 PM End of Boot Camp
To be a part of Solutions Medical Group’s Wound Care Boot Camp, please fill out the registration form below.
Contact Us

You may call us directly for a consultation or to make an appointment at (832) 585-1500.
You may also email us at strategicwoundcare1@gmail.com. Please include in your phone number in your email, including your preferred method of contact (Email, Phone, or Text). We will respond as soon as possible.
We look forward to speaking with you!